Increase the Sexual Passion With Herbs

SEX in family life is not a major factor determining happiness, but important, because without ‘it’ domestic life becomes tasteless like eating vegetables without salt.

Increased workload, increased complexity of the problems faced both by couples and relationships, stress from work or traffic, causing decreased sexual desire. In these conditions necessary supplements or food or medicine (herbal) that functions to generate / stimulate sexual arousal. Type of food or herb that works to improve sexual arousal also known as food or herbal aphrodisiac.
Some of these herbs can be consumed as a stimulator to increase sexual arousal for having aphrodisiac properties.

1. Pegs Earth
Many known as ‘Tongkat Ali’. The best part used is root. It’s easy just by soaking in a glass of hot water, wait a moment. After a cold drink.

2. Leaf Spoon
Three tablespoons of mashed seeds spoon leaves, brewed with added 3 tablespoons of honey.

3. Tread Liman
Three stems and roots liman footprint with 3 cups boiling water. Boil until the remaining 2 cups water. 2 times a day drink 1 cup.

4. Red galangal
Braised red galangal taste and drink. Should be added other herbs.

5. Fennel
Added with other herbs.

6. Red Ginger
Braised red ginger to taste and drink. To taste add honey or brown sugar and add the Java acids.

To make a delicious drink and this can be useful addition to honey, because in addition to adding sweetness, honey is also beneficial to increase the body vitalist.

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4 How to Scent The Vagina Using Herbs

The vagina is the most precious crown for women and it is important to be maintained. Keeping the vagina clean and smell will improve domestic harmony for a fragrant vagina would excite her husband. Often the husband was unwilling or reluctant to mix his wife because his wife’s vagina is not pleasant smelling. There are some special tips for your vagina is traditional fragrant. Do not need expensive . Want to try?

Here are some ways that you are awake vagina fragrance, you have to do is:
1. Keep it clean always. If you want to clean this section, you must make sure your nails are not long, for fear you will hurt your vagina as you would rub this core section.
2. Change your underwear at least 2 times a day. If you feel you are sweating, it never hurts to change your underwear 3-4 times a day. It’s important to keep the fragrance.
3. If you’re coming months, replace your pads as often as possible, especially if it’s a lot. Do not let the sticky pads all day.
4. Traditional treatment is to pound the basil leaves to taste, slightly fragrant pandanus. After that half a glass of water mixed and pressed. This juice mixed with palm sugar and salt to taste, then drink. Do this for 2 weeks on a regular basis every day. After that, you can set yourself when to drink this potion. This recipe, allegedly carried out those old fashioned and proven before the fact.

Manjakani, Natural Herbs For Married Couples

Compared with betel leaf, Manjakani is relatively less known. Though this plant is also believed to produce health care, clean female sex organs and eliminate the odor, clean fragrance and abrasive, raise self-confidence to intimacy husband-wife relationship.

Caring for organ intimate with natural ingredients actually been done since ancient times. The most popular is the cooking water to remove the betel leaves whitish. Actually there is another ingredient to keep the intimate organs, namely Manjakani (oak galls).

Manjakani “Herbal Magic”

Manjakani known “herbal magic” contains rich in tannins to tighten vaginal muscles, vitamins A and C, calcium, protein, and contain astringent element to eliminate the bacteria that causes vaginal discharge, and increase density. Safe to drink and free of side effects due to Natural.

For centuries, plants have other names have been Manjakani Mecca used in traditional medicine by the Arabs, Iran, China, India, and the Malays. Although many grew up in Indonesia, yet many Manjakani plants known to the public.

According to experts herbal and traditional medicine, Prof.. Dr. Hembing Wijayakusuma, such as betel leaves, Manjakani can also clean fungi and bacteria in the vaginal area. “Manjakani actually better because it can handle the excess fluid in the vagina,” she said.

Couples Desire Manjakani

Manjakani fruit as a herbal medicine that can help the elasticity female intimate organs has been known since thousands of years ago. Manjakani efficacy not only be felt by the Eve, but also indirectly helped the satisfaction of men and women during sexual intercourse.

Manjakani extract not only known to help tighten the vaginal muscles, reducing the discharge and reduce the liquid, but also can help vaginal dryness, “says Prof. Dr. Hembing Wijayakusuma.

According to Hembing, the use of old Manjakani usually crushed and screened before applied in female organs. There is also a medicinal drink to increase the elasticity Manjakani muscle area V. However, continued Hembing, manjakani materials could be used just like that, because they have to be formulated first, mixed with other ingredients in accordance with the purpose of treatment.

Here are Some Benefits Manjakani:

* Restore elasticity female intimate organs (muscles tighten Miss V)
* Eliminate itching  and unpleasant odor.
* Preventing premature aging
* Stabilizing the acidic pH and reduces the liquid (wet) excessive (not dried).
* Improving the hormone estrogen
* Enhance the genitals and inner strength.
* Organizing and cleaning the uterus (after maternity / period)
* Smooth digestion so that the Chapter smoothly.
* Prevent Cancer and Breast Cancer Servix.
* Treating stomach ulcers and reduce cellulite.

Miss "V" Treatment With Betel Leaf

Betel leaf has been known for centuries by our ancestors as a potent medicinal plant. Not only known as medicinal plants, plants Latin name Piper betle lynn also have a special place in traditional events in several regions in Indonesia. Efficacy of betel leaf is widely known and has been clinically tested. Until now, research on this plant are still being developed.

High Antiseptic Substances

Traditionally, plants originating from India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia is used to overcome the body odor and mouth sores, nosebleeds, rashes and sore, and treat vaginal discharge in women. This is because the medicinal plants which are well known since the year 600 BC It contains antiseptic agents capable of killing germs. Content of phenol in the nature antiseptic  five times more effective than ordinary phenol. In Chinese pharmacology, known as the betel plant that has a warm and spicy nature. Traditionally they use betel leaves to shed fart, stop coughing, reduce inflammation, and eliminate itching. In traditional Indian medicine, known as the betel leaf is warmed aromatic substances, is antiseptic, and even increase sexual desire. By nature antiseptic, betel leaves are often used to heal foot wounds because they contain stop styptic for bleeding and vulnerary, which heal the skin. Can also be chewed to improve the quality of the singer’s voice. From the results of studies as quoted in a book  disclosed that betel contains arecoline in all parts of the plant. This substance is useful to stimulate the central nervous and the intellect, increases peristaltic motion, relieve snoring. On the leaf contains eugenol which can prevent premature ejaculation, eliminate the fungus Candida albicans, and are analgesic (pain relief). There were also contain tannins in the leaves is useful to reduce the secretion of fluid in miss “V”, protecting liver function, and prevent diarrhea.

Enhance Sexual Arousal With The Herbs of "Viagra"

Red ginger, without any chemical process, the plant itself is rich in chemical content, the gingerol and other flying oil, limonene, 1.8 cineole, l0dehydrogingerdione, 6-gingerdione, arginine, alpha linolenic acid, Aspartic, Betha-sitosterol, caprylic acid , capsaicin, chlorogenic acid, farnesal, farnesene, and farnesol.

Erection booster substance

Element 1.8 cineole overcome premature ejaculation, while the anesthetic antikholinesterase able to stimulate the central nervous activity and stimulate an erection. In addition to stimulating an erection and to overcome premature ejaculation, plants that have this mordacity able to stimulate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and relieve pain. He also can treat influenza, stimulate breast milk out, encourage the production nodes, keeping the body’s immune, to prevent infertility and strengthen the endurance of sperm. Farnesal elements contained in these plants are also able to prevent the aging process because it stimulates skin cell regeneration.

The herbs of “Viagra”

Meanwhile to get in shape or effect of strong drugs can be obtained by way of the cooking water to drink ginger. Meanwhile, to increase sexual desire, you can mix with galangal ginger, mengkudu, pepper, chicken eggs and salt. Potion-making is done by fine grind galangal, ginger and pepper. Mengkudu juice then add water and stew. After that, the mixture is filtered through a single glass of water mixture, season with salt and stir well. The water in this glass further divided into two parts and each one plus one chicken egg yolks, stirring well and ready to be consumed by the husband and wife who needs it. Can also add a tablespoon of honey for each of the herbs.

The Secret That Women Orgasm Easier

Orgasm is a hungering every wife who rarely feel it. Most women only pretending orgasm to please her husband. If this is allowed to drag on, would be fatal and happiness stress for your household. Aside from the psychological side of a woman to orgasm easily, with a caress, affection, and fair play by her partner. From the biological side it is also necessary because it would stimulate the nerves associated with the vital organs so that Mrs. woman. V will be more sensitive.

To find out the secret to quickly reach the peak of her sexual pleasure, the following recipe is very helpful. The way that is, 2 tablespoons of fennel pulosari with black pepper 3 eggs until smooth ground. Then mix with chicken egg yolk. Meanwhile, papaya leaves crushed and squeezed the water taken. Mix the papaya leaves them with the first mixture, and add honey. Stir and drink.

This formula is guaranteed to make the vagina becomes very sensitive to sexual stimulation. Prove it! No need of sexual therapy that can drain your pocket.

9 List of Foods That Can Be Increasing The Libido

9 List of food below the herbal are believed to increase libido and enhance aka your sexual arousal.

If you believe please instens to consume much more …

1. Celery
It turned out that in addition to the inviting scent taste, celery is a food source that has a content of a sexual stimulus because it contains androsterone, a hormone released through sweat that can stimulate a woman.

2. Raw egg yolk
It has long been considered to have the efficacy to increase libido. Egg yolk contains high zinc content can increase sperm and testosterone production. Egg yolks also contain dopamine, a hormone that can increase sexual pleasure.

3. Banana
Besides its always identified with the weapons the men, bananas are also believed to increase libido in men because it contains the enzyme bromelain. Bananas are also a source of potassium and B vitamins such as riboflavin which increases the body’s energy.

4. Avocado
Is a kind of rich fruit folic acid that helps metabolize protein, so a lot of energy. They also contain vitamin B6, nutrients that can increase the production of male hormones, and potassium which helps regulate thyroid women. Both these elements can increase the libido of men and women.

5. Almonds and other nuts
Almonds are the main source of essential fatty acids in the production of healthy male hormones. In addition, the smell of almonds is believed to increase arousal in women.

6. Mango, strawberry and peach
All three fruits are good in terms of shape, texture and many contain water so that more appropriate use for fun in the middle of foreplay.

7. Figs
Figs are rich in food amino acid content are believed to increase libido and sexual stamina.

8. Garlic
Garlic is known to have a strong smell, but it has many benefits because it contains allicin, a compound that can increase blood flow to sexual organs and is the kind of effective herbal increase libido.

9. Brown
In addition to chocolate is synonymous with the romantic food, chocolate also contains theobromine which is similar to caffeine. Chocolate also contains Phenylethylamine, a chemical compound which is believed to generate a sense of excitement during lovemaking.


Mahkota Dewa: Herbal Cancer Conqueror

Medicinal plants have a unique name and well .. Crown of gods name. He can make people with minor ailments like itching, aches, or flu, to severe illnesses such as cancer and diabetes, felt the healing. Knowing the properties of this single plant, you might be interested in planting. Imagine. These plants turn out to have remarkable properties. He can cure health problems of the mock up to the almost hopeless cured. If it’s just sore, a day or two would be lost. Flu? Well, that’s a task that could also settled in a day or two. Diabetes was going to surrender in a few months.

What about cancer? Although it took months, these plants were able to fight to the death. At least it was based on empirical experience of many people, including who was cured of the disease in the liver or heart, hypertension, rheumatism, and gout.

To cultivate a drug is very easy. Only with mixing tea made from leather and meat, fruit shells, or leaves, this natural medicine materials were ready for use. If enggak want a sense of bitterness, we can be a little bothered process into instant potions. It was borne more delicious without reducing benefits. That crown the god (Phaleria macrocarpa).

Efficacy of Papaya Fruit

Papaya is not only the fruit that can be used, almost from all parts of the papaya can be used. Starting from the roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruit, bark, sap and even have useful benefits for the body.

According to Villegas VN contained in his writings Vegetable Resources of Southeast Asia 2: Fruits & Seasonings, about 60 percent of the fruit is ripe papaya can be eaten. Every 100 grams of papaya contains an average of 86.6 grams of water, 0.5 grams of protein, 0.3 grams fat, 12.1 grams carbohydrates, 0.7 grams fiber, 0.5 g ash, 34 mg calcium, 11 mg phosphorus, 1 mg iron, 3 mg potassium, 450 mg of vitamin A, vitamin C 74 mg, 0.03 mg thiamine, 0.5 mg niasina, and 0.04 mg of riboflavin. Energy value of 200 grams and kJ/100 main sugar content is sucrose (48.3 percent), glucose (29.8 percent), and fructose (21.9 percent)

In addition to a fruit that can be obtained throughout the year, the papaya is also used for material salad, beverages, jelly, jams, cakes, and frozen fruit. In Java, papaya flower, too many sweets and made his young leaves or herbs to dishes. Karpaina, a kind of alkaloid contained in papaya can be used to reduce heart disease, anti-amoebic drug, and drug urine d.

Did you know that papaya fruit also have the effect of a very good therapy? beauty therapy, especially for women such as slimming, tightening and youthful breasts

Body Slimming

Papaya fruit bodies have properties deal. With diligent consume young papaya enzyme can produce twice the ripe papaya. Well, this enzyme acts as decomposition fat in our bodies. Enzyme that breaks down proteins better and eliminate the excess flesh.

Breast tightening

Papaya in trust by our forefathers long ago as the fruit that can tighten the breast. Enzymes in papaya can help breast growth that is more firm and chewy. Papaya is also enriched with fasteners hormone and vitamin A to stimulate spending and stimulate the female hormone ovarian female hormone issue. Of these hormones will smooth mammary gland and the ideal breast shape.


Levels of vitamin C in papaya is 48 times more apples!!. Papaya is also active as a detoxification so it can refresh the skin from within. Papaya can also encourage the process of skin metabolism. Papaya is also good, and melt the layers of skin aging substance arising horn-porous so dipori firmer skin and bright. So, from now on be diligent, industrious wear masks or facial papaya papaya.