Smart Ways To Reduce Fat In Food

For those of you who include food enthusiast, stopped eating could be an activity that you can not do. If you’re afraid of getting fat because of eating too many carbohydrates or likes to eat a snack, then reduce the fat in food is one solution that can be done.

Here are some things you can do to reduce fat in your diet:
1. Avoid frying or cooking with margarine.
2. Discard the fat or skin in the gravy.
3. Use a cheese or low-fat milk.
4. Replace snacks with fruit, or ice cream with yogurt.

Do eat smart way:
1. Eat three times a day regularly. At breakfast, avoid snacking.
2. Start with vegetables or low-fat soup.
3. Use a smaller plate.
4. Clean the table after meals.
5. Do not eat in a hurry, stop eating before you are full.
6. Cut sweet, snacks, and fast food.

Gall Stone healing with Herbs

The gallbladder is one of a small organ and muscular pouch-shaped receptacle that bile is a mixture of acids, calcium salts, pigments bilirubin and cholesterol. Gall bladder at night will be filled with bile produced by the liver, and will be issued in the morning when breakfast. The gallbladder may be susceptible to interference, the most common is the formation of stones. In addition to the gallbladder, sometimes stones (calculi) can also form in the bile ducts, but rarely occurs.

Gallstones are caused by chemical changes in the bile someone. Most gallstones are formed from cholesterol in the bile soluble. Moreover, it can also form from a mixture of cholesterol and bilirubin (bile pigment), or a mixture of calcium and bilirubin. Other factors of gallstone formation is the existence of the elements that facilitate the occurrence of crystallization. Stone formation is usually due to too much bile stored in the gall bladder, and stones can walk into the bile ducts and it comes in there.

The shape and size of gallstones variety. Gallstones are formed from cholesterol crystals and shiny yellow. Stone that formed from the pigment bilirubin is usually black in color and hard or dark brown, but fragile. Gallstone size average of about 1-2 cm in diameter.

Gallstones that remain silent do not cause any symptoms. However, if these stones block the bile ducts or cause inflammation of the gall bladder attack will cause great pain. Symptoms are usually caused such acute pain begins with a great on the upper right abdomen radiating to the back. Generally gallstone attacks often occur at night or after eating, especially when consuming foods containing high fat. Foods containing these fats can trigger hormones that stimulate the gallbladder to contract and force the bile stored in it and out of the small intestine. But because there are rocks blocking the flow of bile, gall bladder to contract forcefully causing great pain. Other symptoms of indigestion, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, belching, colic, sweating, cold, body temperature is rather high and brown feces. Stone found on the bile ducts can clog and block the flow of bile that can cause jaundice, and allows infections spread to the liver. Pieces of gallstones can cause irritation of the gallbladder wall and bile ducts resulting in infection and inflammation.

Gallstone disease is more often suffered by women until the age of 50 years. On top of that age, man and woman has an equal risk for suffering from gallstones. The more you age the greater the probability people stricken with gallstones. Women who experienced more than 2 times of pregnancy also have a higher risk of gallstones affected.

A diet that must be observed by people with gallstones were:

    * Reduce fat diet to prevent attacks,
    * Avoid fried foods, lamb, pork, spices and foods that stimulate the high sugar levels.
    * Avoid foods that cause gas such as cabbage, mustard greens, radishes, cucumber, sweet potato, jackfruit, durian and drinks containing soda and alcohol
    * Drink apple and lemon juice on a regular basis.

Types of herbal / medicinal plants that can be used for therapeutic treatment of gallstones among others have helped destroy the efficacy of the gall-bladder stones, anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), helps ease the pain (analgesic), lower the heat (antipyretics). Some of medicinal plant species that can be used for therapeutic treatment of gallstones include:
1. Kejibeling (Strobilanthes crispus Bl.)
2. Mustache Cat (Orthosiphon aristatus Miq.)
3. Spoon Leaf (Plantago major L.)
4. Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L.)
5. Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees.)
6. Cob and corn (Zea mays L.)
7. Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
8. Gempur stone (Borreria hispida Schum.)

Here are some examples of herbal recipes that can be used to assist treatment of gallstones:
Recipes 1.
Kejibeling leaves 30 grams + 15 grams of fresh violet leaves + 100 g of fresh corn, washed and boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day.

Recipes 2.
30 grams of dried leaves or cat whiskers 60 + 7 grams of fresh young corn that do not have seeds + 30 g turmeric (cut into pieces), washed and boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day.

Recipes 3.
Tempuyung leaves 30 grams + 30 grams of fresh leaves of fresh spoon + sambiloto 15 grams of fresh leaves, boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day, each time drank 200 cc.

– Select a recipe and do regularly. advised to keep a doctor.
– To use the pot boiling the ground, enamel pots or pans pyrex.
– When using the materials or use dried herbs half of the fresh material (eg 30 grams of fresh leaves, spoon = 15 ml tablespoon dried leaf)

Healty Food For Gout Arthritis

Gout arthritis or better known as uric acid is a type of arthritis that attacks the joints most Indonesian people. This is because today’s society, especially in urban areas that have experienced many lifestyle changes including diet, such as the consumption of food “good” but not healthy. Uric acid is a disease that attacks very much influenced by diet. This disease has historically considered against the rich, because in earlier times much uric acid awaits those who drink alcohol, and likes food as delicious meat broth, brain, liver and other organ meats.

Uric acid is a purine metabolic wastes in the body and then excreted through urine. Levels of high uric acid in the blood will spread into the joint cavities, which causes acute inflammation / happening gout. The first attack of gout is generally acute attacks that occurred on the big toe joint. But can also attack other joints, such as the ankles, knees and elbows. Gout attacks usually occur suddenly (mostly attacked at night). The joints are attacked by red, shiny, swollen, the skin on it is hot with great pain, and joint difficult to move. Usually, acute gout attacks associated with the consumption of foods containing high purine. If the disease had chronic / chronic which may arise tofus bump-bump containing a white liquid containing uric acid crystals.

Normal levels of uric acid in the blood for men is 3.4 to 7 mg / dl. Normal levels of uric acid in the blood for women is 2.4 to 6 mg / dl. Someone said to have high uric acid if the examination shows uric acid levels above 7 mg / dl for men and more than 6 mg / dl for women. Uric acid levels in the blood is expected to stabilize at about 5 mg / dl.

Increased levels of uric acid in the blood of one of them caused by high intake of foods containing purines. The higher the income substances purine uric acid production also increased. Therefore, uric acid disease is recommended for low-purine diet to reduce uric acid formation. Purine levels in the normal diet during the day can reach 600-1000 mg, whereas the low-purine diet is limited to contain 120-150 mg of purine.

The following types of foods with high purine content which can increase blood uric acid levels:
-organ meats, like liver, intestines, spleen, tripe, lung, heart, and brain
– Extract the meat / broth, duck, goose, bird
– Shrimp, oysters, crabs, and squid
– Preserved foods like sardines, corned beef, broth
– Melinjo and processed as emping
– Nuts, dried and processed products, such as peanuts, soybeans, green beans, dried beans, bean sprouts, tempeh, tofu, oncom, Tauco, and soy milk.
– Vegetables and certain fruits, such as spinach, kale, cassava leaves, asparagus, green beans, cauliflower, leaves, cashew nuts, pineapple, durian, avocado and coconut milk.
– Alcoholic beverages, like beer, whiskey, wine, wine, tape, yeast, and other fermented beverages.

In addition to avoiding foods that contain high purine, patients should also avoid fatty foods because fat tends to inhibit uric acid expenses.

Uric acid patients are advised to drink lots of water and fruit juice for liquid water to help remove uric acid through the urine. The food is good and healthy for people with uric acid levels are low but purine must satisfy enough calories, protein, minerals and vitamins.

Source of carbohydrates, like rice / rice, maize, sweet potatoes, and potatoes can all be given.

Source of animal protein except those containing high purine. Freshwater fish such as gurame, mujair and fish can all be consumed, except that marine fish contain high purine, meat or chicken and eggs should be consumed but is limited to 50 grams per day.

Vegetable proteins such as tempeh and know contain high purine, cunsumed should be limited only around 25-50 grams per day.

Vegetables: Pare, celery, and vegetable takokak is very good for arthritis, including arthritis, gout / uric acid. Other vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, squash, lettuce, cucumber, and others at will except that contain high purine as already mentioned.

Fruit: Almost all good fruits consumed by gout sufferers particularly those containing high water like watermelon because it has a diuretic effect that helps remove uric acid through the urine. Fruits can also be consumed except durian, pineapple, avocado and coconut water because these fruits in the intestines can be fermented into alcohol.

In addition to watching your diet to avoid acute gout attacks, can also be used herbal efficacious lowering uric acid levels in the blood. Herbs to address among other uric acid as a potent anti-inflammatory, eliminate pain, improve performance in the removal of kidney uric acid, urinary emetic, and prevent complications in the kidneys and other organs. The following herbs can be used to reduce uric acid.
1.Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
2.Kumis Cats (Orthosiphon aristatus)
3.Akar Alang-Alang (Imperata cyllindrica)
4.Ceplukan (Physalis angulata)
5.Daun spoon (Plantago major)
Red 6.Jahe (Zingiber officinale)
7.Pegagan (Centella asiatica)
8.Krokot (Portulaca oleracea)
9.Kunyit (Curcuma longa)
10.Temu lawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)
11.Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia)
12.Meniran (Phyllanthus urinary)
13.Rambut Maize (Zea mays L.)
14.Salam (Syzygium polyanthum)

Here are examples of herbal prescriptions to reduce high uric acid
Recipes 1.
Red ginger 25 grams + 10 grams + 60 grams sambiloto reed roots + 30 g temu lawak. The material is washed, cut into pieces, boiled in 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups, filtered, taken 2 times a day, each time drank 200 cc.

Recipes 2.
2 pieces mengkudu + 30 grams of purslane + 15 + 15 grams of Centella asiatica bay leaves. The material is washed, cut into pieces, boiled in 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups, filtered, taken 2 times a day, each time drank 200 cc.

Recipes 3.
30 grams of leaves a mustache cat + + 15 grams 15 grams Meniran Physalis angulata + 25 grams of turmeric. The material is washed, cut into pieces, boiled in 4 cups of water to the remaining 2 cups, filtered, taken 2 times a day, each time drank 200 cc.

Note: select a recipe and do regularly. To use the pot boiling the ground, pot glass / pyrex or enamel saucepan.

Juice Therapy To Reduce High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Hypertension or high blood pressure, including diseases that have no symptoms or signs are clear before the changes in the blood vessels in the heart, brain or kidneys. Therefore many people do not realize that suffer from hypertension, they only found out when the doctor took her blood pressure during health checks or other illness complaints. Someone said to suffer from hypertension when the blood pressure values  of systolic above 140 mm Hg and diastolic above 90 mm Hg. This disease affects one in ten adults in her life.

High blood pressure is often referred to as the ‘silent killer’ because it rarely shows signs and, if sustained for a prolonged period can cause various complications. In extreme high blood pressure can damage the inside of the small arteries, the possibility can cause blood clots. If this happens it can cause a heart attack (if it occurs in the heart), blindness (if it occurs in the retina of the eye), kidney failure (if thrombosis occurs in the kidney), and stroke (when blood clots occur in the brain). Stroke can also occur due to rupture of blood vessels due to hypertension, which causes bleeding in the brain.

Approximately 90-95% of hypertension is not known for certain causes, the situation also called essential hypertension. While the rest is about 5-10% known cause is called secondary hypertension as well. Secondary hypertension, among others caused by renal parenchymal disease, renal blood vessels, due to the use of drugs, endocrine disorders, and others.

There are several risk factors that can aggravate hypertension, such as: stress, obesity / overweight, many foods contain salt, high cholesterol, preserved foods, meat goats, durian fruit, cigarettes, coffee, family history / genetics and age. Besides age and genetic factors, other factors can be controlled or avoided by controlling a healthy lifestyle, such as:

    * Low-salt diet and low fat
    * Quit smoking and drinking alcohol
    * Avoid stress and exercise as needed
    * Lose weight for the obese

Consumption of foods containing potassium and magnesium minerals that can help lower blood pressure
Many people with hypertension are tired of taking drugs that lower blood pressure by causing dependency, if not blood pressure  medications remain high. Besides factors that caused the side effects of cheap drugs are expensive drugs, while many patients who can no longer afford. For various reasons, people with hypertension find other treatments that are more economical but minimal side effects through the natural treatment using natural ingredients such as fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Fruits and vegetables are sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and nutritious substances other very necessary for growth and health of the body. In addition to improving the health, fruits and vegetables are also widely used for therapeutic treatment. Content of minerals, vitamins, carotenoids, and other components found in fruits and vegetables such as efficacious as an antioxidant to prevent cancer, overcome digestive disorders, lowering high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Some types of fruits and vegetables are efficacious lowering high blood pressure include celery, cucumbers, squash, watercress, radish, tomato, star fruit, sweet star fruit, watermelon, carrots, bananas, apples, and kiwi.

Here are some examples of juice therapy to lower high blood pressure

1. Material:
200 grams squash
200 grams of cucumber
How to make: both materials are washed and cut into pieces, put into the juicer, water / juice drink.

2. Material:
100 grams Celery small type
100 g watercress
100 cc of cold water
How to make: all the ingredients are washed and put in juicer or blender and filtered, the water was taken for 2 times a day, morning and evening.

3. Material:
250 grams of cooked sweet star fruit
250 grams of watermelon
How to make: all the ingredients blended, water to drink. do regularly 2 times a day.

4. Material:
250 grams of carrots
50 grams celery
2 cloves garlic
100 cc of cold water
How to make: all the ingredients blended or blended and filtered, the water / juice drink.

5. Material:
100 grams of bananas ambon
150 grams tomatoes
Mandarin orange 150 grams
100 cc of cold water
How to make: all the ingredients blend, drunk.

6. Material:
2 ripe fruit mengkudu
How to make: mengkudu juiced, juice drink.

7. Material:
Centella asiatica 60 grams of fresh
100 cc of boiled water
How to make: Centella asiatica washed, blender until smooth, filtered. Drinking water.

Note: select one recipe / juice therapy and do every day on a regular basis. recipe can be changed.

Prevent The Allergy by Natural Healing

Allergy is a disorder sensitivity (sensitivity reaction) from the body of certain objects (allergens). This does not happen to most people. Allergies often attack people whose bodies were sensitive to stimuli from outside or from within the body. Excessive sensitivity reactions can happen again if the body take in more foreign substances (allergens) are equal. Allergies can occur at all ages, from infants to senior citizens.

System immunity malfunctions behind the emergence of allergic reactions. Basis of immune system function is the ability to discover and then destroy all that is considered foreign by the body such as bacteria and viruses. Foreign object is called antigens. To counteract these antigens, the body tissue is stimulated to make anti-called antibodies.

Allergens such as dust, pollen or certain foods that are basically harmless can act as an antigen in certain people. These materials can enter the body through the lungs or digestive tract and into the network, that is where the formation of stimulating the immune system antibodies. As a result of the meeting of antibodies and antigens in the tissue will cause allergic reactions.

Allergic disorders can occur in various forms, such as sneezing, runny nose, hot on the eye, stimulation of the throat, swollen skin, red bumps and itching, rash, shortness of breath, and even shock.

Allergens are allergens that can be, dust, kapok pillows, pollen or pollen, cigarette smoke, mold spores, animal fur, certain foods (shrimp, eggs, milk, etc.), chemicals in foods (preservatives) , certain drugs and contact allergens such as powder, foundation, and others. Thus, based cause allergies can be divided into food allergy, drug allergy, pollen allergy, and so on. According to the attacked organs, allergic diseases can be divided into nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis), respiratory allergies (asthma bronchitis), skin allergies (eczema, suffer from rash due to cold weather, contact dermatitis), gastrointestinal allergies, allergic eyes (allergic conjunctivitis), shock.

Allergic rhinitis or nasal allergies are allergic disease most often occurs. Types of allergies can be caused by the allergen is inhaled from the environment such as dust, pollen, animal fur, and mold spores. The main symptoms are sneezing, nose and itchy eyes, runny, stuffy nose, and throat, often accompanied by itching. Allergic rhinitis can occur seasonally or throughout the year.

Allergic diseases have a tendency to be inherited in families. If one parent suffering from allergies, the possibility of allergic children is 50%. Chances will be greater if both parents suffer from allergies. But allergies are not always passed on the first generation (children) but was rediscovered in the second generation. In this case the inherited susceptibility to allergy but not to the same allergens. For example: the mother will always be bumps, bumps every time eating shrimp, while the child will suffer from colds and sneezes when she was cleaning the room. Many family members who have hereditary factors, but a new allergy symptoms appear after exposure to certain allergens for some time. For example the previous one did not show symptoms, but after 5-10 years in certain circumstances may be suffering from allergies.

Precautions to avoid things that cause allergic reactions, such as:
– Avoid foods and medicines that can cause allergic
– Do not let the furry animals into the house, if you are allergic to animal hair
– Clean the dust with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth, at least 2-3 times a week, do not use a broom that can spread the dust.
– Use electric air cleaner (AC) to remove house dust, mold and pollen from the air. Wash and replace filters regularly
– Cover furniture with a layer of fabric that can be washed as often as possible.
– Do not use materials or furniture that can accommodate the dust in the room.
– To avoid contact with allergens, and wear gloves or masks while cleaning inside and outside the home.
– Ban smoking and the use of scented products at home

Allergies if known and treated early can prevent severe complications. In a few allergies can sometimes improve or disappear with or without treatment, such as rhinitis in children if the adults cured. But in general needed continuous treatment to patients can live without complaint. The best way is to avoid the cause and trigger allergies for good. Because there are no drugs to eradicate the source of the disease, the treatment only to control allergy symptoms (reduce and eliminate the symptoms). Drug therapy used is an anti-histamine drugs, corticosteroids.

Traditional allergy treatments are able to use herbs that have antihistamine properties and increase the body’s immune (imunostimulan).

Here are some examples of natural prescriptions for medication allergies:

Recipes 1.
15 grams sambiloto
Temu lawak 30 grams of fresh (peeled and sliced)
30 grams of fresh Meniran.
Wash clean all and then boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, drinking water 2 times a day, each time drank 200 cc.

Recipes 2.
100 cc black rice vinegar (rice vinegar)
30 grams of ginger, crushed
brown sugar to taste.
Boil all ingredients with 300 cc of water until boiling, taken 2 times a day.

Recipes 3.
20 grams of Centella asiatica
25 grams of turmeric
10 grams sambiloto
wash out all the ingredients and boil with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered, drinking water 2 times a day.

Recipes 4.
15 grams patikan kebo
15 flower knob
10 grams of red ginger
wash out all the ingredients and boil with 600 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered, drinking water 2 times a day. (For respiratory allergies)

Note: select one of the appropriate prescription. Use a soil pot, enamel pot or glass pot to boil, do not use pots made of metal.

Kidney Infection Healing (Pyelonefritis) With Herbs

Kidney is the main part of the urinary system which consists of organs that function to produce and distribute urine (urine) out of the body. Various diseases can affect kidney components, such as the kidney infection.

Pyelonefritis kidney infection or inflammation of the tissue is the kidney, in acute infections occur suddenly. Pyelonefritis is one of acute kidney disease that is often encountered. This interference can not be removed from urinary tract infections. Generally, bacteria that infect the kidneys came from outside the body through the lower urinary tract (urethra), travels to the bladder, then into the ureter (upper urinary tract that connects the bladder and kidneys) and came to the kidneys, which then spread and can be colony forming infection within 24-48 hours. Bacterial infection of the kidney can also be spread by tools such as catheters and urological surgery. Bacteria more easily attack the kidneys if there are barriers or urinary tract obstruction that complicates passage of urine, such as a stone or a tumor.

Most kidney infections and urinary tract caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli. In addition, aerugenosa Pseudomonas bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus faecalis may also cause infection. These bacteria live in the large intestine and in normal circumstances can be found in the feces. Suspected source of infection so that generally comes from the anus, because the release of the two holes are adjacent.

Kidney infection more common in women, this is due to the lower urinary tract (urethra) is shorter than men, and formal urine channel adjacent to the vagina and anus, so more quickly reach the bladder and spread to the kidneys. Incidence of this disease also will increase in pregnant women and at age above 40 years. Similarly, people with diabetes / diabetes mellitus and kidney disease are more prone to kidney infections and urinary tract.

Symptoms of acute kidney infection showed signs of a clear and growing rapidly, such as pain in the kidney waist, such as cloudy urine and smell, headache, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, felt weak and tired, decreased appetite . Since kidney infection is generally accompanied by urinary tract infection, so when urinating painful and burned and feels like to hold urine. In contrast to acute kidney infection, chronic infection is almost no symptoms, the fever, back ache and abdominal pain that is not so real. New disease known if done blood tests, urine or kidneys X-rayed. New in the kidneys eventually become damaged and shrunk to kidney failure may occur.
Acute kidney infection after several weeks of treatment will usually recover completely. However, residual bacterial infection can cause recurrence of the disease especially in patients who weakened immunity such as diabetes or a blockage / barriers such as urine flow by stones, tumors and so on.

To help the treatment of kidney infection, here are some things to do:
– Drink plenty of water (about 2.5 liters) to assist the emptying of the bladder and urine contamination.
– Consider food (diet) that do not form kidney stones
– Lots of rest in bed
– Antibiotic therapy

To prevent kidney infections is to ensure that never experienced a urinary tract infection, among others, by considering how to clean up after defecation, especially in women. Always clean from front to back, not from back to front. This is to prevent bacteria from fecal contamination during bowel movements so as not to go through the vagina and urethra attack. At the time a catheter must be considered cleanliness and sterility means to avoid infection.

Medicines or herbal plants that can be used for the treatment of kidney infections have efficacy as anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, reduce heat, and diuretics (emetic urine). Medicinal plants that can be used, among other things:
1.Kumis cat (Ortthosiphon aristatus)
2.Meniran (Phyllanthus urinary)
3.Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
4.Pegagan (Centella asiatica)
5.Daun Spoon (Plantago major)
Reed 6.Akar (Imperata cyllindrica)
7.Rambut Maize (Zea mays)
8.Krokot (Portulaca oleracea)
9.Jombang (Taraxacum mongolicum)
10.Rumput pearls (Hedyotys corymbosa)

Here are some recipes from herbs to overcome  kidney infection.
Recipes 1.
60 grams of cat whiskers plant + 30 grams of fresh leaves of fresh spoon + 30 grams of fresh pearl grass, washed, then boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken 2-3 times daily.
Recipes 2.
Meniran 30 grams + 60 grams of fresh root fresh reeds + 30 grams of Centella asiatica fresh, washed, then boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day.
Recipes 3.
Fresh sambiloto 20 grams + 60 grams of fresh purslane + 60 grams of fresh corn, dicuic clean, then boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day.

– Select a recipe and do regularly.
– If using dry ingredients, use half the dose (eg 30 grams of fresh Centella asiatica dry if using 15 grams)
– To use the pot boiling enamel, pot soil, pots glass / pyrex.

Prevent & Overcome The Acute Respiratory Tract Infection By Herbs

Respiratory system, especially the top is the main target of the attack germs that floated in the air, so that most often become infected. Various viruses, bacteria and other organisms can invade the nasal tract, mouth, throat and bronchus (bronchus) that brings air into the body, causing acute respiratory tract infection . When the infected respiratory tract symptoms will occur such as fever, runny nose and out clogged mucus / runny nose, headache, dry throat and sore, coughing, sometimes pain in the ear part. Viral infection usually causes flu, fever and cough, while the bacterial infection causes inflammation of the throat. Other diseases included in acute respiratory tract infections is acute bronchitis can be caused by viruses or bacteria.

Disease in acute respiratory infections are usually used to attack the turn of the season (transition) or in the rainy season or cold weather. This is because viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory tract infections are more resistant to cold temperatures. Most of the types of respiratory tract infections are easily transmitted, especially through the air.

When people sneeze and cough, the viruses and bacteria will disperse into the air and infect others. Bus full of passengers and closed ventilation facilitate the spread of viruses and bacteria from patient to other people. Diseases, especially respiratory infections is very easy to attack the person with the condition of weak, tired or body resistance decreases.

Respiratory tract infections can be mild and only lasted a few days, but some infections can be severe and lead to secondary infection more serious. This is very dependent on the immune system of each person. The drugs are sold freely on the market are usually intended to relieve symptoms such as lowering a fever, stuffy nose salve (decongestants), cough and sputum diluent (ekspektorans). But often the complaint is not lost even after taking medication, such as sore throat and dry cough that does not visit subsided. This must be suspected of more serious infections such as inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia). To find out should consult a doctor. Giving antibiotics can only be given if respiratory tract infections caused by bacteria. If the infection is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not be effective. In some antibiotics can sometimes cause side effects such as allergies and digestive disorders.

Prevention of respiratory infectious diseases is to increase endurance through a healthy lifestyle. Here are some preventive measures to avoid transmission of respiratory diseases, among others:

    * Drink plenty of water, especially the warm and healthy foods and nutritious as fresh fruit mainly contains vitamin C. If  necessary consumed also vitamins and antioxidants to help increase stamina.
    * Enough rest, avoid stress, and doing regular exercise
    * Wash hands frequently with soap to prevent germs.
    * Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke
    * If the body is not fit, for the time being to avoid interaction with the patient respiratory, or use a mask.

Herbs or medicinal plants that can be used to treat respiratory tract infections such as having the effect of fever (antipyretics), anti-infectives, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, antitussif (relieve coughing), emetic sputum, warms and increases stamina and endurance (imunostimulator) .

Several types of herbs include:
1.Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
Benefits: anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, stimulates the immune system, lower the heat, the relief of pain (analgesic).

2.Pegagan (Centella asiatica)
Benefits: anti-infection, clean the toxins (Antitoksik), fever, tonic.

3.Daun Sirih (Piper betle L.)
Benefits: reduces inflammation, antiseptic, stop cough, eliminate itching.

4.Meniran (Phyllanthus urinary)
Benefits: fever, anti-inflammatory, increase the immune system, inhibiting the virus, and urinary emetic

5.Bunga Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)
Benefits: fever, anti-inflammatory, sedative

6.Daun Mentha (Mentha sp)
Benefits: fever, sputum emetic, relief spasms, antigatal, emetic sweat, emetic wind, increase your appetite.

7.Jahe (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)
Benefits: relieve pain, emetic sputum, emetic wind, cough suppressant, anti-inflammatory, warming, the blood circulation.

8.Kunyit (Curcuma longa L.)
Benefits: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, solvent wind, increase your appetite

9.Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.)
Benefits: relieve cough, sputum solvent, anti-inflammatory, increase appetite, warm, refreshing, wind emetic

White 10.Bawang (Allium sativum L.)
Benefits: antibiotics, antiseptics, emetic phlegm, stimulates the immune system

11.Kulit Mandarin Orange Fruit (Citrus nobilis)
Benefits: phlegm solvent, relieve congested, relieve cough

Here are some examples of herbal recipes to help overcome the acute respiratory tract infections.

Recipes 1.
10 grams + 20 grams sambiloto old turmeric fresh, washed clean, sliced kunyit. Then it is boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, after warm add honey and lemon juice to taste, to drink 2-3 times a day, every time a drink 100-150 cc.

Recipes 2.
Centella asiatica 15 grams + 10 grams of fresh ginger kencur + 20 grams of fresh, washed clean, ginger and galingale diris-iris, then it is boiled with 400 cc of water until the remaining 200 cc, filtered, drink while warm. Apply 2 times a day. (pulp can be boiled for 1 times)

Recipes 3.
10 grams of dried chrysanthemum flowers Meniran + 10 g + 10 g of fresh mint leaves + 7 grams of dried rind mandarins, boiled with 400 cc of water until boiling, filtered, add honey and lemon juice to taste, drink 2 times a day.

Recipes 4.
3 cloves garlic + 5-7 + betel leaves 10 grams of ginger, washed and sliced, then boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, drinking water 2-3 times a day.

select a recipe and do regularly until healed. For serious complaints are advised to keep consulting a doctor.
To use the pot boiling the ground, pot glass / pyrex or enamel saucepen.
 200 cc = 1 cup star fruit

9 Tips Detox Diet Program

Healthy living programs emerging discussed. Not to forget the diet programs healthy and not too bad also so coveted. But be careful with any diet foods to eat, watch every pregnancy. Check out the full info here!

The new year must have a new resolution that you want. Especially for women who still want to look beautiful and definitely healthy. Consider the food you eat, whether the content in it is safe for health or not. Well, try to note the following tips to 9 of your diet program still running well and safely by reducing substances that are not needed by the body.

1. Eating Reduce Fat Animals
Foods derived from animals sometimes contain synthetic hormones, antibiotics, or other chemicals that settle in the animal fats. The materials were not necessarily lost during the cooking process, and these additives will move into our bodies when we eat it. When buying meat, chicken, or milk fat content for a bit, needs body fat should be replaced by vegetable fats such as walnuts. If should consume should eliminate the chicken skin and fat which various drug injections beneath it.

2. Choosing jelly Seafood
Consume seafood, we are exposed to methylmercury possible, a kind of neurotoxin that potential. Increasing pollution caused this possible. International Agency for Research on Cancer and the Environmental Protection Agency has found carcinogenic substances in several species of fish, so the news that was launched from WeebMD. This is because the fish are contaminated with PCBs, a type of cancer-causing substances.

3. Consumption of Organic Materials
The use of pesticides on vegetables and fruits do not cause damage to body functions directly, but it will be seen next few years. To prevent it, begin to consume vegetables and fruits are organic. Like apples, peaches, spinach, mustard greens, kale, broccoli, potatoes, until the rice is organic.

4. Prepare The Right Foods
In order to secure their health, make sure the vegetables and fruit that you consume is clean and free from chemicals. Always wash fruits and vegetables in running water before it is processed or eaten. Besides removing the bacteria, as well as to eliminate the chemicals that may still attached to the vegetables and fruit. In fact there is no harm in washing the peeled fruit to these substances do not stick to the knife for slaughtering.

5. Avoid Canned Food and Beverage
Canned foods and beverages usually contain bisphenol-A, a chemical that can disrupt our body system even our environment. This does not happen immediately, but should be avoided as much as possible. Better to eat fresh, dried, or if you should choose packaged tetra packs or glass packaging because it is much more secure.

6. The Healthy Cook and True
If you like roast beef, this would increase the risk of esophageal cancer. The process of roasting the smoke contains carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAHs known by the term. This substance is attached to the surface of whatever you cook baked way. When meat, poultry, and fish cooked at high temperatures and for a long time, or well-done, it creates carcinogenic heterocyclic amines, or HCA.

7. Note label Listed on Food Packaging
Always look at the label that appears on the back of food packaging. Whether it’s the materials used or the manufacturing process. Sometimes we neglect and forget to read the description. And this is very important as the information for us to know what was entered into the body.

8. Avoid Beverage Plastic Packaging
In America, the number of packaged beverages such as soda, sports drinks, energy drinks, juices and so is also numerous. The biggest problem is these drinks contain sweeteners, flavorings, and artificial coloring. In addition, the packaging used is a plastic package that contained a chemical in plastic could be eroded and mixed into the drink. If this continues not to interfere with the possibility of our body system.

9. Familiarize Food Eating House
While at the restaurant or cafe, usually we often forget ourselves checkers to order various types of food as seen from the seductive appearance. And we do not know exactly how  to cooking and materials used by the restaurant. Better to eat at home, but can save you even can control the use of food and chose a far more healthy.

Prevent the bowel Inflamation With Herbs

Is an inflammation of the digestive tract that extends through the bowel wall. The most frequently affected, especially the end of the small intestine, is often spread on the large intestine and sometimes the stomach. Inflammation causes small intestine mucous membrane had an abscess and leaving a thick scar tissue on the intestinal wall so that the loss of elasticity.

Signs and symptoms of inflammation of the intestine depending on the location and size of the inflammation. Mild symptoms include chronic diarrhea, pain in the lower right abdomen is often intermittent, excessive fat in the stool, decreased appetite, decreased weight and sometimes feel tired quickly. In some cases intestinal inflammation can also cause constipation. The more severe inflammatory bowel disease, showed symptoms similar to acute Appendisitis (appendicitis), ie continuous and colicky abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, bloating, gas discharge, nausea, diarrhea and bloody bowel movements. If the symptoms of the disease long enough could occur due to diarrheal dehydration. Signs and symptoms of inflammation of the intestine can be lost for some time but the signs are always up again (there are periods of disease recurrence). Although rare, sometimes one attack of this disease can be followed by complete healing and the symptoms did not reappear.

Thick scar tissue on the intestinal wall is inflamed scar tissue can block the absorption of nutrient substances, therefore, inflammatory bowel disease is often accompanied by weight loss and malnutrition. If the thickening of the scar tissue becomes larger it can cause blockage in the intestines. If the blockage is severe enough to intestinal surgery on the affected part.

The cause of the disease is not known for certain, but the factors that may be a factor causing allergies, infections, immune disorders and the possible genetic link. The presence of emotional stress can aggravate the disease. Inflammatory bowel disease usually occurs in adults between the ages of 20 to 40 years and is often found in one family. A study suggests that close family colitis patients have a risk of the disease is 10 times greater than those who do not have a history of the disease in the family.

Mild inflammation of the intestine can be cured by changing patterns of life, lots of rest and diet. Provision of medicines used to help relieve symptoms. Some steps that can be done to prevent and relieve inflammatory bowel disease, namely:

    * Eat more often with a small portion (bit by bit)
    * Konsumsikan foods high in protein and vitamins and low in fiber for easy digestion.
    * Avoid gassy foods like cabbage and broccoli as well as alcoholic beverages and dairy products. Avoid fatty foods as well as difficult to digest.
    * Get plenty of rest and avoid the emotional strain due to stress can worsen symptoms.

Herbal types that can be used to help overcome the intestinal inflammation, among others:
1.Patikan Kebo (Euphorbia hirta)
Benefits: anti-inflammatory, urinary peluruh, antigatal.

2.Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)
Benefits: anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, stimulates the immune system, reduce the heat (antipyretic), pain (analgesic), eliminating swelling, detoxifying.

3.Daun Guava (Psidium guajava)
Benefits: anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrhea, pengelat / intestinal mucous membrane wrinkling (astringent), stop pendaraha (hemostatik)

4.Krokot hjau (Portulaca oleracea)
Benefits: fever (antipyretic), alleviate pain (analgesic), eliminate toxins (antitoksik), tranquilizers, eliminating swelling and blood launched.

5.Kunyit (Curcuma longa)
Benefits: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, peluruh wind, increasing appetite, improving bile.

6.Patikan china (Euphorbia thymifolia)
Benefits: anti-inflammatory, pengelat (astringent), antigatal, peluruh urine.

7.Aseman (Polygonum chinense)
Benefits: reduce the heat (antipyretic), a poison antidote (antitoksik), eliminating swelling, peluruh urine.

Here are some herbal prescriptions to deal with intestinal inflammation.

Recipes 1.
30 grams of fresh turmeric + old 30 grams of fresh guava leaves + 10 g sambiloto 20 grams of dried or fresh, washed clean, sliced turmeric, then all the material boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, tamabhkan honey, water to drink 2 times a day, each time drank 150 cc.

Recipes 2.
Patikan kebo 30 grams + 60 grams of fresh purslane green, washed, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, add sugar to taste, drink 2 times a day, each time 150 cc.

Recipes 3.
30 grams 15-30 grams Aseman + china patikan fresh, washed and boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, drinking water for 2 times a day, each time 150 cc

select a recipe and do regularly. For serious complaints are advised to keep consulting a doctor.
To use the pot boiling the ground, pot glass / pyrex or enamel saucepan.

Slim & Healthy by Nature

Having a beautiful body, and fit is proporsinal desires of each person. Generally a person especially women become confident, if found excess body weight (over weight) especially if you are overweight or obese. Obesity in addition can reduce one’s attractiveness and reduce the agility of motion during activity, also cause serious health problems if not anticipated and addressed as early as possible. People who are overweight (obesity) have a higher risk of various degenerative diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, stroke, and hypertension.

Obesity is associated with an imbalance between the high portion of the body weight exceeds a certain percentage. Say obesity when someone overweight exceeded 20% of normal weight. In the weight condition of obesity on normal weight because of the excessive accumulation of fat in the body.

Ideal body fat percentage of 16% in men and 20% for women. While saying overweight or overweight when the weight is greater than the standard value, but still below 20%. In over weight, excessive weight is not always caused by an excess of fat, but it can also be due to the heavy weight of the muscles, bones and body fluids. Thus, the condition of obesity or overweight higher level of being overweight or over weight. Someone who is overweight, if allowed to and do not anticipate a time can become obese.
Currently, the problem of obesity has increased in number especially in urban communities, including in Indonesia.

The emergence of this condition is caused by diet is not balanced and far from diet and healthy lifestyle, such as the tongue and indulged appetite with servings of various fast food (fast food) is much saturated fat and high cholesterol. Fats are the largest source of calories, so eating too much, especially fatty foods caused an excessive caloric intake compared with that needed by the body. A good rule is to eat foods with balanced nutrition and not excessive so as to meet the needs of the body’s metabolism. Thus the problem of overweight and obesity that can lead to various diseases can be avoided.

In addition to eating unhealthy, overweight and obesity is influenced also by the lack of activity moving. Part of the conditions currently most active at the table. In their daily activities is very little body movement, for up and down the room is now available storied building elevators and escalators, and the more widely available the tools work by using machines. Added to lazy to exercise for reasons no time, but very useful exercise to balance income and expenditure of calories your body calories.

In order to obtain a slim body, need a diet that measured and balanced along with regular exercise. Many of those who wish to appear slimmer take a shortcut to the exclusion of health. Even no less a person especially women who are obsessed with losing weight fast diet and uncontrolled use slimming drugs regardless of the side effects that could endanger health.

Uncontrolled diet because you want to lose weight quickly can reduce the energy, thrill the heart and increases the risk of nutritional deficiency diseases, also can increase the loss of muscle so the weight will come back as before.

Here are some steps that can prevent and overcome overweight and obesity, among others, namely:

    * Used to stop eating until full, and eat slowly or not in a hurry
    * Reduce the habit of eating snacks while doing a job
    * Used to eat regularly and on time. Should eat in little portions but often (3x a day) than 1 times but at the same time a lot, so your metabolism work more dynamic. Dinner should be done before 19:00 o’clock.
    * Avoid fatty foods, fried, coconut milk, fast food.
    * Limiting sweets, salty foods and instant noodles
    * Limiting snacks, cookies, candy, chocolate, sugar, sweet drinks, soft drinks, and other high-calorie foods.
    * Limit the consumption of meat, especially red meat, substitute with fish
    * Multiply fibrous foods such as vegetables and fresh fruit
    * Should konsumsikan processed foods by boiling, steaming, stir-fry, Pepes, team, or roasted instead of fried processing.
    * Multiply drinking water (at least 2 liters a day) and doing regular exercise

Here are some herbal recipes that can be used to help you lose weight and obesity.
Herbal Medicine:

Recipes 1.
30 grams of fresh leaves of myrtle leaves + 30 g 30 g mengkudu + Dutch teak leaves fresh or dry 15 grams + 10 grams Intersection dribbles, washed and chopped, then boiled with 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc, filtered, the water was drunk 2 times a day before eating, every time 200 cc.

Recipes 2.
Two mature mengkudu juiced or grated and filtered water, then drink. Do it 2-3 times a day.

Recipes 3.
Bangle + 25 grams 25 grams of black meeting, washed clean and blended, strained, add 1 tablespoon lime juice and 2 tablespoons of honey, drink. do 2 times a day.
Note: select a recipe and do regularly.